What is a Baton? How to Use It for Self Defense?

 A police baton sometimes known as just a baton, is an iconic police weapon and also used by the armed forces. It is like a small wooden club and is such a powerful and lethal weapon. It is being used as a self defense weapon these days. It is an effective weapon for defense. Here is a brief guide on this baton and how to use it for self defense:

Baton - An Iconic Police Weapon

A baton is an iconic police weapon you must have seen in the hands of the police officers. It is often a small club that is deadly. Since it is made of wood, it is very lethal and can cause some serious injuries. You have seen police beating criminals up with this iconic weapon. 

Types of Baton

  • Wooden Baton

A wooden baton is the simplest baton and is the most frequently used weapon. It is a normal baton made of quality wood. It is solid and lethal and is used by the police and armed forces for beating the culprits and controlling the large gatherings and crowds. 

  • Steel Baton

A steel baton is the modern baton made of steel. The traditional one was wooden and this is the stainless steel baton. Since it is made of steel, it is more lethal and can cause more severe damage. It is now popularly used by the people for self defense. 

  • Collapsible Baton

A collapsible baton is a special type of baton with an alterable length. The length of this baton can be enhanced or lessened as per your requirement. You can collapse it to reduce the size. When needed, you can enhance the length and increase the reach for the baton. 

Why Use a Baton for Self Defense?

  • Lethal & Powerful

A baton is a very lethal and powerful weapon and you need such a powerful weapon for self defense. It is either made of wood or steel. In any case, it is extremely powerful and can have some serious effects. So, it comes up as the best weapon for self defense. 

  • Easy to Use & Carry

Secondly, a baton is very easy to use. There is no need for training or practice to learn how to use it. It is actually very simple. Also, a collapsible baton is easier to carry because you can reduce its size and hence it becomes very easy to carry. 

How to Use a Baton for Self Defense?

Using a baton for self defense is the simplest thing to do. It is an easy weapon to use. Hold the baton firmly in your dominant hand. Swing it hard against the attackers. A couple of blows are enough to injure the attacker and save you from him!


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