Can You Use a Blank Gun for Self Defense?

Self defense has become as important in the American continent as any other thing. Whenever you leave your house for work, there is a fear of being attacked by a random attacker. There is not a lot you can do to save yourself from the attackers. All you can do is carry a self defense weapon to tackle the attackers. This is the perfect way to save your life against these attackers.

So, what are the options? Many people come up with the ideal of blank guns. Are blank guns worth it? These are replica guns that are not used ideally for self defense. However, yes, you can use them to save your lives. I am here to let you know if you can use these replica guns for self defense or not. Well, in a few ways, it may work but in a few ways, it won’t. Here is a detailed analysis of blank guns from a self defense perspective! 

What is a Blank Gun?

A blank gun is also known as a prop guns. It is a replica gun which works like real guns. It does not shoot any projectiles, rather shoots blanks. The sound of firing is real but no real projectiles are fired from it. Yes, there is a magazine and blank ammos are loaded in it. It discharges fumes or flames that make the action look real and produce a very real shooting sound. 

Types of Blank Guns

  • Front Firing Guns

There are two types of blank guns, known as the front firing guns and top firing guns. There is a minor difference between the two. The place from where fumes are discharged determines the type of gun. In front firing guns, when you pull the trigger, fumes are discharged from the front of the barrel. 

  • Top Firing Guns

The other type of blank guns are the top firing guns. In this gun, the fumes are discharged from the top of the barrel, as the name suggests. This is the only difference between the two types of guns! 

How to Use a Blank Gun?

Using a blank gun is like using a real gun. It almost works as a real gun. There is a trigger mechanism. After loading blank ammos in the magazine, you need to pull the trigger to shoot the ammos. A real firing sound is produced but no projectiles come out of the barrel. Fumes are discharged from either front or top of the barrel. 

Blank Gun for Self Defense - How It Works?

Blank guns do work perfectly for self defense. These guns can scare the attackers away. Only you know that this is not a real gun. Also, the sound of shooting is real along with fumes being discharged from the barrel. This makes shooting look real to the attackers. So, he would believe it is a real gun and will escape to save his life. So, you can manage to fend him off. 

Blank Gun for Self Defense - How It Does Not Work?

Blank guns may not work at times for some reasons. For instance, attackers may know it is not a real gun because of the lack of realism in the shape of the gun. In addition, after a couple of shots, he may come to know that this is a replica gun and nothing is being fired from it. Hence, the situation may become worse for you. He can then attack you with no fear of the gun in his mind. So, in such a situation, blank guns may not work as self defense weapons. 


You can use blank guns for self defense but these are not the best weapons for defense. You may need to find more solid and lethal self defense weapons to ensure your survival against the attackers. Anyway, they can work as weapons to fend off the attackers and wild animals thanks to the realistic shooting they offer! 


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